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Saturday, January 1, 2011

Account on Hold

The holidays are over and it is nearly time to get back to work.  When I say work, I mean working to make people work so that I can continue to go to school.  My mind keeps wondering about that check in the mail that was sent a month ago to my university.  Where could the letter be now? In someone's box, on an assistants desk, in a pile waiting to be discovered or worse....LOST!!!!  Will I be terminally "account on hold"?

The result of my "hold" situation is that I cannot see my grades, sign up for classes that I need to start in a few weeks, AND most importantly apply to the nursing school that starts in August.  I cannot send ANY transcripts.  I thought I fought the registrar and won back in November and AGAIN in December but no.  I lose because they lost paperwork in November or didn't do their job therefore, I am delayed months in getting money to pay off my semester.

I have made all A's, I have paid everything on time in the past yet I now feel frustrated and punished for THEIR paperwork mistake.  I wonder how many people this happens to. I wonder if this is punishment for not taking a student loan.  I wonder how many people have touched the envelope that has my money in it by now.

I cannot wait to stop being the college mommy, so the sooner and faster I can get it done the better. Cross your fingers this week that all things will work out for me!

I go back in to see the Registrar on Monday.

1 comment:

  1. Well it has been weeks and today is the day to rejoice! The hold was lifted. The check was there all along but they were confused when a cover letter was attached with a sample check to show exactly how it will look and how to apply it. They were confused with the Jane Doe and the social security number of 9876543211. They said "we have a check from your Tribe but it is not for you, it is so funny, it is from a student that doesn't go to our school." REALLY?
