Originally, my blog was a requirement for a class. As soon as the class ended I just kept blogging for the fun of it. Life is fun and sometimes funny!
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Startling Facts I Recently Learned
1. When my eyes are dilated, I love my hands, my nails, and the diamond in my ring. Things look much more pleasant and sparkly for some reason this way.
2. I was informed, after my eyes were dilated, that "BIFOCALS" might help if I continue to read, go to school, or use the computer. I did not want to hear that!!
3. While cleaning up in the kitchen I found a scrap piece of paper in my flax grinder (coffee grinder used to grind flax). I guess this meant that I ate paper for breakfast with my oatmeal....that is kinda weird.
4. I fought the registrar at UAF and I won!
5. I jumped a friends car battery today, she put her ends on wrong and BOTH our cars are running fine, but the cables melted down and caught on fire.
6. I found a lady in line at the post office that was wearing BOG boots! They ARE actually sold in Fairbanks, AK! yay!!
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Great Gray Owl

Here is something neat I found on another blog. It is a calendar of owls by many different artists. Just select 12 of your favorite owls and then download. It creates a pdf calendar to print. Click the picture below to make an owl calendar, the kids will love this!!
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Seatbelt Hair
My hair is getting longer. Not because I really want it longer but because I have not had time to get it cut. I am also waiting for my daughter to graduate hair school in Anchorage, so she can style my mop. Here is a major problem I am having with long hair. Maybe this has happened to you, maybe not. I need help with it because it happens every single day, sometimes, 3 or more times.
At the end of a commute from daycare, girl scout meetings, or from the university that I attend five days a week, I throw the people wagon into park and unclick the seatbelt. Then....ZZZZIIiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiP! The seatbelt gets sucked up along with all the left side of my hair into the little dark hole on the side of my car, OucH!!! It really hurts too!
This may be affecting my brain on that side. Will my midterm grades suffer????
10 Things I Don't Do
1. I don't take out the trash, I don't even put a bag in it when it has been taken out. There are plenty of people that I cook for in my house that can do it.
2. I don't clean up after pets, I only clean up after the children that own the pets.
3. I don't keep regular hours for anything. I get to school mostly on time, and get my kids to school on time, but there are many nights that I am up til 3am studying and relistening to lectures by telephone. We eat dinner whenever it gets finished, anywhere from 4:30pm to 9:30pm. I have always wanted to get the kids to bed at the same time every night but every day is never the same as the one before it so I find the task is too daunting. Also, I drive a semi-truck on the side as a sub. Any driver can call me at any time of the day or night to cover for them. It usually works out that I don't have to work that much but can be inconvenient. Therefore, naps are always a win-win at my house, regular hours are not a win.
4. I don't gut the game I shoot. I have plenty of hunting support that is willing. Plus, who else will hold the flashlight?
5. I don't let my kids do sleepovers unless it involves camping, hunting, or fishing.
6. I don't always do turkey for Thanksgiving. I am pretty sure it will be kubsa this holiday, especially since I am creating a new tray in ceramics just for the tabouleh! yeh!
7. I don't paint anything white, I like lots of color!!
8. I don't ever let anyone win at tickle torture, EVER!
9. I don't mow the lawn. I really want to, but my 2nd son and I fight over who gets to do that chore and I always lose, therefore, he is king of the lawn. (Once last summer I cheated and snuck a partial mow.) My son is a genius though, he usually hides the mower or the gas from me.
10. I don't host parties that sell stuff. Been there done it, just can't do it anymore.
Now I feel like a brat........
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Two Major Seasonal Events
- you no longer wear shorts or sandals.....well mostly
- there is snow or ice on the ground
- you have to change to blisak or studded tires
- windshields are always needing to be scraped, plan extra time for this
- you have to warm your car at least 5 minutes or use auto start
- you wear hats, scarves, mittens, and a jacket or coat
- you plug in your vehicle at night to keep the block and battery from freezing
- you might wear polypro underwear and pull out the heavy coat
- you wear thicker socks and consider wearing bunny boots, mukluks, or norwegian Lobbens
- you start your car and let it run for 30 minutes before going anywhere
- you can't send your kids to school without getting turned in to social services for neglect unless they have snowpants, boots, hats, scarves, and mittens along with all the under wear and regular wear.
- you give the outdoor animals the exact amount of water that they will need to drink otherwise it freezes solid
- you only let the kids go outside to play if it warms up to -20 below or warmer
- 10 degrees feels a whole lot warmer after this kind of cold
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Dedicated to the Sister with the Birthday in November

Let me describe her. Fantastic, idealistic with amazing exploits on every size scale to tackle and, believe me, you cannot out work her. She sings, she dances -which I can prove that with a video I found of her shaking her groove thing on a facebook video. She is not high self-esteemed or low self-esteemed, she is other esteemed, alwasy tending to others needs. So this is pretty grand, finding shoes that you can wear all year doing tons of random things and always on the go.
I might say that she is a hybrid between an earth muffin and a Jesus freak with maybe a dash of the occasional "sidetracked" in there. but that is only because she has so many kids or projects...one or the other. She produces water keffir, chicken eggs, mills her own whole grain flours, runs a small college, renovates/decorates/roofs buildings, and would earn respect from Juliette Lowe if she were still alive. However, earth muffin may not be thte best word because muffins are baked. My sister eats only raw food. That is her family eats only food that is uncooked, considered live, fresh from the garden, and not grazed in a feed lot. I agree, that the lifestyle prevents disease and is extremely healthy for anyone plus a righteous decision- think about it, Adam and Eve didn't have electric Jen-Air cook tops, plug in counter top electric rotiserrie's, kitchen aid blenders or vitamixers. They didn't die of obesity, diabetes, cancer, or COPD! I love the whole plan, all the recipes, the boost of energy; I just have one problem...I have to manage the THREE FREEZERS OF CARIBOU/ MOOSE AND OTHER GAME MEAT in my garage. Feeding three hungry hunters with another two growing up in the footsteps of their father and grandfather before them keep me busy frying deer steak. I really think all these shoes listed below have earth muffin/Jesus freak quality to them ESPECIALLY knowing where the company shoe Naot is based.
Back to the raw food eating, and DO NOT confuse that with RAW meat puhleeeez! Nonetheless, a person can still be considered a raw foodist by consuming just 75% of the diet in raw fruit, vegetables, beans, grains, and sprouts. The other 25% can be used up at the Olive Garden, on Hostess Twinkies, or perhaps driving visiting a fast food chain restaurant for "Is that for here or to go?" meals. My sister is SO busy, sometimes she has to do this; she is literally forced to (only on dire occasions) purchase hamburgers. On certain days of the week her schedule involves commuting and that is when I get to talk to her one on the phone.
sis: YOU ARE KIDDING! He did what to his truck?
me: yup... he wrecked it, icy roads today with the first snow and slid right off the road into the ditch.
sis: Wow! It is his senior year and he has only driven his truck for 3 months! How sad!
me: At least he had his senior portraits taken in the truck before it was wrecked.
sis: Does that come with any vegetables like pickles, lettuce, and mayo?
me: What?
sis: Mustard too! Thank you. -Oh sorry I was just ordering, we are starving, it has been a long day.
me: Oh, I see, where are you anyway?
sis: Five!! That is five biggie size burgers please, not one! Mustard on three of them, mayo on the last one, and fries with all of them! What else will the white tornado (her platinum blonde 2 year old) eat?
Other than the occaisonal sin of fast food my sis can pray, she can harmonize with the angels, clean up a small city after a hurricane, whip up an entire college staff back into shape, birth children during a natural disaster with no electricity, and move mountains. Drum roll please...................................................
She needs a shoe that requires no socks because she never wears socks. At the most, if it is a really cold winter in L.A. (that is lower Alabama), she will don them, but not for more than a couple of weeks. She has to have breathing room so no closed toe shoes. She needs enough cushion for towing gear and traction for keeping up with the white tornado and his sisters. Originally, I looked for an open toe mud boot, but they don't exist.
Here is what I found for : Coming in First Place......
This is a shoe you can wear all day at the beach or class up a bit and go into the office (see the rhinestones baby!) It is a Naot Kate sandal in peacock leather. The footbed can be replaced in these type of shoes so that meets the on the go practicality of my sis. I have read reviews that some people have worn theirs Naots for ten years! Endurability wins the selection! I first found them at the clogoutlet for super bargain prices.
There were some others that I seriously considered for my sister, I think they are worth mentioning.
1st runner up is the Alegria Barcelona, especially if you are walking a lot. This California company created a ergonomic sandal for all California lifestyles. It has a cute butterfly buckle that I really like. I first saw these in a nursing magazine. If nurses can wear them all day, then I think I will try a pair for myself soon!
2nd runner up is the Taylor by Naot if you just have to have the toe thong and are gonna be super practical. People with foot problems love these sandals, hey wait a minute they even have boots and a skin care line from the Dead Sea minerals.
3rd runner up is Kyra by Naot, it has classy little jewels on it. It comes in 5 neutral colors, copper, expresso, midnight, peacock, and quartz. Naot is a sucessful company from Isarael made to support and massage the foot, distributing all the bodyweight evenly throughout the foot. If you want more techy info on how they build their shoes click here and download the pdf files. I thought it was very interesting.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Stories right from the mouth of a hillbilly serving time in an ER

Saturday, October 30, 2010
Oh DEAR!!!! What did genetics give me! ....my mom will understand this because it is about dishes.
This post just needs to end for now, for many reasons, but I can't wait to tell you about taking two 10 year olds to the ceramics studio and what that has to do with Yo Gabba Gabba!
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
boots in places you never thought you'd see them

I am so inspired to shop for boots! Especially after my hunny's experience at the army hospital's ortho-surgical unit. Of course being an Allied Health pre-nursing student I had to ask the doc and everyone I met all kinds of questions not really related to my husband's surgery like, "do you HAVE to wear hospital scrubs or can you wear your own?", I was thinking of my favorite medical drama, Mercy, that was cancelled last year along with all the cute flowery scrubs the nurses wore. Duh! (that is everyday vocabulary borrowed from my ten year old).....Of course everyone in surgery wears the same disinfected scrubs that have been commercially washed according to hospital standards to destroy all germs, pathogens, and microbes. I am really curious now as to exactly what detergent the army hospital actually uses.
The most interesting thing I noticed was when the nurse came into our area, which is everybody else's area too, only separated by dividing curtains. She asked questions like, "so, do you know what is happening today?", "you understand it is the right ankle?", "what is your name?" etc. I couldn't keep from noticing her attire: surgical cap, hospital scrubs, and MUD BOOTS! WTH?? Really, REALLY? I was looking sideways at my husband screaming with my eyes and pointing with my glances, do you see that!!!!! I bet you can imagine what I mean. It is like when you are trying to talk to someone, about another someone, right in front of the other someone, trying to get the person to look at something certain without them knowing!
I swear if you are from chicken country you can relate with my next statement. I pinky SWEAR, the only thing missing on the nurses attire was the hair net or she would have been a chicken plant worker in north west Arkansas. Yes, I said chicken plant, if you have ever been to one you are now thinking bodily parts and pieces of small fowl that will eventually reach your grocery store. This is what made my husband and I think about the procedure....is it so deep in bodily parts and pieces that the medical team needs mud boots?
When a person is about to have outpatient surgery performed, about a million people come by to to check things off their list right before they knock you out. Then, the CRNA or nurse anesthetist, who eventually does the knocking out, came in and guess what? She ALSO had on mud boots!!! This just seemed outrageous to me. I got ready to open my mouth to ask more questions as my hunny's head shook and he rested it in his hands, I asked, "Why are you wearing rubber boots because the only thing we could think of was the amount of possible blood in the OR (that is grays anatomy talk for operating room) and do you watch medical dramas because we watch all of them".
Here's the goods: the doc has never seen a medical drama....EVER. The CRNA watches all the popular shows and swears that the procedure that we saw last night on Gray's Anatomy won't be performed on my husbands fibula. She informed us that medical dramas aren't real, they are mostly all fantasy. We also found out that the rubber boots are to keep dry from the huge amount of water that is used to irrigate the area being worked on in ortho-surgeries. It keeps the area open and makes surgery easier, she said.
Later the next day, while checking my mail at the post office and throwing away all the spam.....no, whats the word for snail mail spam......oh yah, JUNK MAIL! I realize I CANNOT throw away the Cabelas catalog until #1 gives the okay. So I glance through it, and find the most amazing mud boots, BOGS! Of course they don't carry my size, because my feet are so large. I race back to the house to finds these Bogs online. I decided that I really need these boots too, for one they are also cold weather boots, two- break up season really sneaks up real quick, three- when visiting family you just never know when there will be a flash flood, AND who knows, one day I may be an ortho-surgical nurse!
I just have to decide if I like Paisley Mids or Fern Mids better.
Note to chicken plant workers: I have no issues with employment of any sort, really, expecially in this recession, I may be looking for a job soon!

Monday, October 11, 2010
Sidetracked...........................who me?
My day today.....get off work at 8am...then sleep, wake up at the crack of noon and try to find myself again.
After several cups of coffee and thinking about what types of thing NEED to be done I watch an Israeli foreign film. REally really, I want to live in a decent, clean and organzied house. It seems realy simple. Where to start. Watching t.v. does not help AT ALL!
I get distracted very easy. This is basically a list of all the things that seem more important than doing dishes.
I went for a ride in my son's new mitzubishi. He bought me Thai food. I came home and checked emails, cut and hung my nearly frozen tomatoes, dug potatoes, changed diapers, kept the wood stove going and looked at the kitchen in it's disarray. Then I decided to grease and clean the sliding glass door tracking.
Later, I decided to refresh my sentsy thing in the kitchen. Then I got all the girl scout craft items off the floor in the kitchen, that was 5 gallons of beads, paint, papers, wire, ribbon, and all kinds of recycled materials.
I can be a great gs leader, construct all kinds of messenger bags out of recycled fused grocery bags, lead a team of Girls up a mountain, take a 2 year old shopping at a grocery store.
I can shoot a camera and a rifle, skin and butcher a moose, raise a mighty garden and process all the food, get all A's in my pre-nursing classes but I CANNOT SEEM TO GET MY KITCHEN CLEAN.
Sambuza Runza!!!! A recipe if you call it that...............
Traditionally the Runza comes from Germany. It is a hot meat filled bread pocket with cabbage and onions. My friend always adds cheddar cheese to hers. Today, I am flavoring the meat with middle eastern spices and parsley to resemble a sambuza, the deep fried, triangular, meat pocket found at the snack bar in Ras Tanura, Saudi Arabia, where I grew up.
- your favorite bread or dinner roll recipe
- sauer kraut or lightly sauteed shredded cabbage (see posted link to make your own)
- ground beef, moose, caribou or anything ground
You might have noticed by now that I do not measure anything much. I usually make the dough to fit my largest bowl or just make a double recipe for my family of 7. While the dough is rising I cook the ground meat and season with anything. Salt and pepper works but today I used Bazhaar liberally and dried parsley flakes, sea salt, pepper, and garlic to taste. Bazhaar is a middle eastern spice that is made from a mixture of 7 other spices, if you have ever had cupsa and eaten on the floor then you are craving it now.
Add onions to taste into the meat mixture.
Next, punch down your dough and while waiting the 10 minutes for it to rest, drain your sauer kraut in a colander.
My kraut is made from cabbage, broccoli, turnips, zuchini, and carrots from my garden. I watched youtube videos to learn how.
Here is a cabbage and a turnip from my garden before they were lacto fermented.
Next, divide dough into pieces until you have pieces a little larger than a golf ball. In a double recipe I got 18 of these.
Roll out your lump of dough til it is about the size of a dinner plate, shape doesn't matter. My dough is 100% whole wheat and still rolls out perfectly!
Use plenty of flour to prevent from sticking.
Next add a scoop of sauerkraut. I actually measured since I made so many and wanted them to all be the exact same size. My scoop was half a cup but I packed it overflowing.
I flatten this out a bit and then add two thirds a cup of cooked ground meat on top.
The next part is easy, just folding it closed. If you want cheese this is the best time to add it, right before you start folding.
Fold opposite sides toward each other.
I make these squarish. It is not important to seal shut. You can let them rise a little before you bake but I just put them right in the oven folded side down.
Bake long enough so that they brown on top in a 350 degree oven. You can butter the tops and eat with bleu cheese dressing or ranch. When cooled I like to wrap the extras in foil and freeze for lunches.
Friday, October 8, 2010
Peanut Brittle and Getting Older (Golden Girl Style)

If you read the previous post and were wondering....the peanut brittle turned out so well that it was instantly inhaled by everyone. I ate it until I had visions of trying to explain to Dr. Hostager why I would be visiting his dental office again this year!! I even stocked up on peanuts so that on the next sunny day, we will do it again while doubling the recipe.
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Movies I like and Grannie's Peanut Brittle

#1. I mass produce. I want to save time in the future (with so many mouths to feed) therefore I quadruple the recipe. When they are finished and cooled I later freeze/hide the extras. This is equivalent to -3X of making breakfast next week.......brilliant!
#2. In conservative pancaking styles, there are many more pancakes produced at the same time because each whole wheat, flax infested, blueberry buttermilk pancake with pecans is smaller in size. I love to make them hearty too.
#3. More area on the griddle is being used to cook the pancakes so that means overall less cooking, flipping, and standing time in the kitchen. Yay!
I'd like to watch the whole "Sunny With A Chance Of Meatballs" from the beginning to count how many other fliks it pokes fun of. I woke up late this Saturday morning, groped my way to the coffee pot, and then plopped down on the couch to find everyone, even the two year old, glued to the tube. I was instantly as absorbed as everyone else was to the huge flat screen images of the computer animated life of a geniously geeky teenage inventor, Flint, voted last years movie of America- my 10 year old tells me. Flint is very VERY awkward and wants to make his town happy but destroys it instead with his inventions.
To ponder:
Why does a ten year old 5th grade girl think that if you turn on a vacuum for about 60 seconds, then sit down in a chair to play with string, that it deserves the check off mark of finishing the "vacuum living room" on the chore list?
This may come as a surprise to many people but forks and spoons in MY universe do not fit in the flatware tray UNLESS the bigger ones point down and the smaller ones point up. I only expect my mother to understand this.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Garden Harvest Dinner
Why! Oh why did I eat the whole bag that should have lasted an entire year!!! Let me back track just a bit. I lead this group of 10 and 11 year old girls in all sort of crazy activities, like Red Cross First Aid training, camping in September when it is 30 degrees at night and the dew freezes on your tent, after school meetings where nearly all of them giggle til they fart and then roll on the floor laughing more, and actual badge earning types of things such as finding your way with a compass to a pile of snicker bars in the middle of the woods in which will never be found because the pesky squirrels pillaged them off to their treetop hideouts before our compass and trail signs led us to them. So because of all this crazy service to scouts I was given a bag of treats from a mother who...OWNS A CONFECTIONARY!! ...BLESS HER SOUL!
Previously I had sworn off sugar until I achieve a desirable weight and fit into my pre-pregnancy #3 clothes. That means that I don't care to be the waif that I was before the birth of the first 2 kids which is over 19 or so years ago. I am settling for the third child, strike that, pre-prego #4 will be good enough! Grechen you are amazing!!
Garden clubs are nice because you always learn something new, like how to store fresh herbs so they last longer, or storing tuberous and non-tuberous begonia bulbs and dahlia bulbs? Well that was the topic at the harvest party. I have amazing friends with delicious food and many with handy info.....thanx friends!
Interesting, but more interesting to me is the fact that the last four chapters in the book that I read immediately after the harvest party, "Earthly Treasures" another historical fictions read by Phillippa Gregory, was about purchasing bulbuous flowers all over Europe for the gardens of the Lords in King James' England of the 1600's. It seems that unfamiliar topics of interest seem to sprout themselves to the intellect in clusters near about the same time. I want to see England's gardens now.
Got Bulbs?
Sunday, September 12, 2010
What I Wish I Could Have Done Different
Besides all the reasons that research papers are hard, who really knows how to do them? What order? If I had a list of everything to do and in what order it would be easy. That is what this English class did for me. By the end of the course I realized that each lesson was a chunk in the final major project. It shortened the process by grouping it into chunks. Taking on each chunk was was feasible. I couldn't have made it any easier. In the end the paper really came together quickly, very surprising to me actually; even though I write most the time like Yoda speaks, there is some grammar rule that is always backwards. I really don't know what I could have done different to be honest.
What I will do is go back through all the lessons and make a list. The list will be called EMERGENCY INFO FOR FUTURE RESEARCH PAPERS and will have numbers from one-to like fourteen with instructions of exactly what to do before continuing. I work well with lists so this will be a good thing to always have on file. Which makes me wonder how many research papers I will actually have to do for my 2 year degree, my 4 year degree and then my masters. The thought is making me want to eat.......popcorn, ice cream and blueberries and pie...any kind of pie. It isn't helping that I am drinking a stress relief magnesium drink right now.
To end this blog, I wouldn't have done anything different because if I didn't have this class to guide me through the process then my paper would be a disaster...like the last one was in Psychology 101. However, once my blood pressure was down again from writing the paper on the teenage brain, I thought that I had done a super duper job. Looking back, and that is figuratively, I AM NOT ACTUALLY GOING to reread that paper, I think that I would scrap the whole project and cry, on my first paper that is, not the one I JUST did for English 111.
Peace out, I must leave, people are knocking at my door.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
My Consultation
While riding the shuttle up the hill I called The Writing Center and made an appointment with the writing center up at Gruehning, that wasn't hard at all, really it wasn't. I really need to finish this English class before all the other Chemistry and Biology homework starts to waterfall into my life so when I heard that there was no lab for Tuesday, I dropped in unannounced to The Writing Center disregarding my appointment the next day. I really really really want English to be over at this point and am willing to buy more coffee to keep myself at it.
I hiked up 5 flights of stairs, figuring I can lose some calories too, to the meet three lonely expert English persons suffering from lack of activity. School JUST started, I am sure they were not expecting someone with a nearly completed research paper to walk in the first day of school. They were nearly fighting over me, well kinda. Ian C. won. This is cool, someone you can hand your assignment over to, to read over, and hand it back and say "nice"...NOT!!
Ian asked me what my assignment was, what type of writing project, what did I think I needed the most help with. Then he began reading while I found the water fountain. I really hiked 5 flights of stairs. He read half and then we began to discuss the correct way to make web citations. We had a discussion with a few other English expert fellows that were consulted because Ian wanted pro backup. I hated to disturb their intellectual dialogue on the 80's transformers, storm and sunbot known to have special UV powers but they were ecstatic to join the consultation. We all learned how to properly make unpaginated web references in a research paper. Cool.
The next part was even better because that previous part, I knew for sure that stuff was wrong. After reading half the paper and complementing my research and two pages of citations, Ian was a little unclear on some of my points, even though I pointed them out to him. He gave me some really good ideas on how to make my points stronger, how to leave one part and go onto the next part stronger. Like making a big entrance everytime someone comes in the door. That was my analogy not his.
We worked on transitions and where I needed more of them. I told him that this was my suckiest part and he disagreed and said that this was the time to work on this part. He said writing is a process and I am still in the process of creating the research paper. (Really without the consultation I was ready to just send it in!) I have put in lots of time on this project, sometimes with tears, sometimes with bursts of tantrums-my husband will celebrate for sure when English 111 is over- and mostly with a lack of sleep.
The last part. Ian suggested that I change up the introduction and gave me reasons why which I will not say here in my blog. It sounded reasonable to me. I will try it.....tomorrow! Rewriting, fine tuning, and editing will make tomorrow a busy day and a great day to end chapter 14.
For any writing assignment due, before it is due, go see Ian or some other unbusy English person expert at UAF on the 8th floor of the Gruening Building for some advice. They are really helpful and nice even when you put yourself down.
Now go eat some ice cream! I know that ice cream has nothing to do with the blog and neither does the fact that all those stairs that I hiked didn't help get me to 10,000 steps on Tuesday.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Summarizing Reading
If I were to get paid to do this I would need to really figure out how to increase my skills greatly. I read quite a bit therefore I know what good writing is and therefore I don't think that I am a creative enough writer to make it really interesting, even while summarizing. I can give a basic overview if that is interesting enough, just giving the main points. Sounds easy enough yet I know that I am not a writer, I don't have things floating in my head that are clever and that need to be written down. I must wonder though, how did Virginia Wolf get so clever at writing?
I do understand that effective communication is necessary in life, business and even in Girl Scout meetings with eight preteens in attendance. To put it bluntly, the business of writing is critically important especially in many professional fields. Therefore, if it helps my sales in a business, or my career as a nurse, or a researcher, then I will painstakingly do my best. One thing that comes a bit easier to me is creating simple ads and flyers. Sometimes I can write out things to help out my friends, editing, or even help overcome a software issue. Helping a friend is compensation, doing something nice for someone else. It doesn't mean that I am good at it, just because someone wanted my advice or needed my help. I am sure most people in the world better at writing than me; many of them still in grade school!
It is sometimes like a bad joke that my Cuban/German American friend tells me. It takes me a week to get the punch line if I ever get it at all, not sure if it is his accent or the meaning of the joke. Or like the time I tried to help my daughter in interpret a poem in high school. I told her exactly what I thought about the poem after studying it for half an hour. I thought it was totally obscene, morbid and immodest. Turned out she googled the poem got some others advice, and interpreted it herself quite well. She rejected everything I had to say and got a good grade. It turned out that I was totally off base and nowhere near the enigmatic meaning of the dark poem. My impression was very far wrong and I went further by making it political. I realize I do this, like when I sing the wrong words to songs on the radio. It's the way I hear it though. I misunderstand things all the time, that is why summarizing can be difficult for me.
So anyway, when I have to summarize something, especially something that will hopefully get me and "A" in a class, it really helps me to understand what I read better even though I hate doing it. I don't write creatively, especially if there is not much in it for me, I am blunt, and hopefully I don't get the content all wrong when I am summarizing. However, if I summarize by writing, I usually get the content less wrong, I helps me read better. Let me summarize, I hate to write but I do what I have to; it makes me better.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
August Post
My plans didn't go as expected at all. First of all, only one summer class finished on time. Finishing THAT class took away an entire week of my life in the hottest nicest weather we have had all year. Add to it over 20 squash and zuchini's ripening everyday from my garden. I am like my grandmother, I can't let anything go to waste.
After the class was over and I put off my English class for a few weeks I began to give away squash and find canning recipes. Then I got called in to work for a week and go to court for a son that ended up in jail. I have a crazy life. Wearing my pedometer, I learned that every day that I went to work I walked over 16 miles with over half of that pushing heavy equipment.
Another week goes by and I can't remember if I still have kids and who is diapering them while I can/pickle/preserve 54 jars of three types of zuchini/squash relish and ferment 3 gallons of vegetable sauerkraut. The freezer fills as the days roll by and my special hunt for cow moose begins.
My husband feels that it is his honorable duty to scout and guide me to the perfect cow moose everyday after work for hours and hours AND on the weekends til I just want to cry. I day or two here and there is fine, but EVERY DAY!! I yearn to pick all the lowbush berries that we pass on our tromps through the woods while I look alert and aware of any movements with floppy ears. I point out signs in the wet tundra of split hoof prints. I also fill my water bottle with the ripened cranberries to take home for a chocolate zuchini cranberry loaf.
Company comes just as the frost arrives. Thanks goodness my squash were nipped first because I can't eat any more yellow squash and eggs on tortillas for breakfast! My garden is nearly finished except for the potatoes and cauliflower. I still have pumpkins that I baby every single day, I cover them up at night and uncover and water them in the day. I go outside before bedtime and just look at them, willing them to live and grow for a few more days while my cucumbers and tomatos grow in the warmth of the greenhouse.
Two nights ago I completed my first kill; moose season is over for me, harvest is near complete, one class is over, my pay check is in the mail,the kids have transitioned into school, the hunters are fed, the freezer and pantry is full...where did August go?
If I could just finish English by the time this extension is up I would be able to relax for a second....and then start all over again!
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Why AM I Feeling Threatened By This Research Paper?
I like the fact that the instructor has drawn this out over seven lessons. That is amazing. Usually you just get, "due by such and such date" and I start really freaking out 1.5 weeks before by not sleeping, drinking too much coffee, screaming at my kids, like they even know what a research paper is. However, they will probably be so shell shocked by my previous attempts at research papers that when they hear the term "Research Paper" in one of their own college classes, they will probably run off to Indonesia as a missionary and never return to the western world. I would like to see my grandkids someday so therefore I refuse to feel threatened, it is not allowed. Only one part is due at a time, I am so very pleased with that; I'm good. I hope this was a good enough explanation because I am late for church!
What Do I Need Outside Help With?
What Else Do I Still Need To Do?
Friday, July 16, 2010
lesson 8 prompt 2
Lesson 8 responding to Advertising and Violence
Thursday, July 15, 2010
blog for lesson 7
The first reason assures leaders that the program is the same just more upbeat. The times we live in are different that when leaders were girl scouts they realize this and many girls come to meetings with cell phones and gadgets once not available to kids. There is a new lingo and new problems in the world that we face. It is hard to face the problems of today with girl scouting of yesteryear. The principles are still the same, ceremonies are still the same, some of the workbooks are a little different.
The second reason adding edgy characters to the new books is a fun way to make girl scouting popular again and overcome the fact that girls drop out because they still want to be cool and not embarrassed of scouting. I think that leaders would value this because it is no fun teaching a group of girls new activities when they don't want to be there and are not excited about it. Girl Scouting ultimately needs to be fun.
Third understanding the intention that the new Journey program is only adding to what we have makes sense. It doesn't replace any badge book or handbook. In fact it is a great way to start off the girl scouting year or introduce new girls into the troop even more it is a great way for a new troop leader to get started. It is an overall introduction to girl scouting. Leaders may totally omit it or use it at their own convenience. It is just a tool for leaders. Leaders make or break their meetings by using the tools available, guiding activities that the girls want to do and by having fun.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Are 16 Year Olds Really Prepared for the Road?

Responding to the Cartoon on page 227
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
What have you learned about the textbooks we are using for this course?
What have you learned about the writing process and/or about yourself during this lesson?
Which outline would I not use again.
Which techniques for generating ideas has been most helpful?
What other students may be having problems with..
Sunday, June 20, 2010
How did previewing sections of a book (rather than simply reading them) help you to understand the material?
What is the goal of argument
Why and how is argument both a process and a product?
Did you ask anyone else to make recommendations about your revising process? Why or why not?
Which genre of argument would you most likely write on your own? Why?
Which of the suggested Tasks from Writing Arguments did you find most helpful in pre-writing your revision? Why
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Why is a written argument a good way to defend (support) an opinion?
A written argument is a good way to defend your opinion because it takes more thought and organization to put it down on paper. If your argument is justified and you feel that you can change or persuade people, writing it down and submitting it to the appropriate direction can be fulfilling, helpful, and effect change in many cases. Writing can help you or the group you are working in to define the issue or the problem or find out it’s true purpose. It helps you to evaluate your own thoughts or those of others and may direct you to more research. These in turn can lead to modification of viewpoints. Sometimes writing down your argument helps you to make a stand and realize more exactly what it is you believe.