Another problem was found with my mother. More scar tissue has been blocking vital working parts and is the reason for not being able to digest food yet along with certain narcotics for pain. The latest CT scan revealed the problem and the doctors are working on a plan to fix it.
Bonnie tells me that there are many many people taking good care of mom at the hospital. They are in every hour so it is hard to rest. Bonnie is relentless as well as dad and refuse to leave mom. Bonnie sleeps near every night in the chair in mom's hospital room. Thank goodness that dad and Bonnie can be right there with her through this time of recovery.
Keep praying! Fonda made it to mom and dad's to take care of the place while they are away.
Originally, my blog was a requirement for a class. As soon as the class ended I just kept blogging for the fun of it. Life is fun and sometimes funny!
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
mothers update
After the second surgery the pathology report that came out is very good. No more cancer cells. However, she is still in recovery. Adjusting to a regular diet has been difficult and an infection has set in.
The good news is that she has no fever.
Keep her in your prayers. She is not leaving the hospital anytime real soon.
Thanks for all your prayers.
After the second surgery the pathology report that came out is very good. No more cancer cells. However, she is still in recovery. Adjusting to a regular diet has been difficult and an infection has set in.
The good news is that she has no fever.
Keep her in your prayers. She is not leaving the hospital anytime real soon.
Thanks for all your prayers.
Monday, February 21, 2011
Today in the Aftermath of Whiteout
This is my car after yesterday. Yes we are snowed in. It took us
all day to get up the nerve to go outside, you see my husband sold
the plow that goes in front of his truck.
this is the front deck
most of the snow fell off the barn, we had to shovel a path,
my washing machines are out there ya know
me in my comfy clothes and bogg boots making trails
Isaiah jumped in the deep end
backyard paths to the boiler
this is an Alaskan hangover
it would be so great to time the fall of that snow
right when sam walks under the eave
snow much snow
squirt went out and played til the wind picked up again
all the vehicles, well most, there are two other trucks
on the property, a car in the garage and a snowmachine
but we can't find it in the snow
pathway to the laundry room
pathway to the green house
we found the snowmachine and no, it doesn't create snow
for ski slopes, it is what people in the lower 48 call
snowmobiles. No one uses that terminology here.
this is the good side of my car, the wind blew hard
this is a path that the renter took to the road, and
left the shovel there practically in the road
my grill, won't be using it today
the purpose of this picture was to view
the trampoline, I actually tried to zoom in on it
I guess I could take any picture, that is all white
and say, "that's a picture of our trampoline in a snowstorm"
two guys acting dumb and got stuck, they tried to ramp a
bunch of fluffy snow onto the back yard, but there
is a 3.5 foot keystone wall there, nice try
finally got it unstuck and drove right through the
entry area to my courtyard squeezing by the wall
of samistan and over my snow hidden stone bonfire pit
a good friend came over to help clear the way,
then we helped with his driveway
this is the luckiest guy in the universe
my precious ones
sink picture, this is very very important, Lynn will know
but if you want to know, follow this sink link
That was Yesterday
I hate it when I cannot find something in the house. Like when you need a new blade for the paint scraper for a project that needs to be done NOW! I have probably 3 packages of scraper blades. It is a whole lot easier to just go to Safeway on aisle 13 where they have odds and ends of hardware and buy a new package.
I know exactly where Safeway keeps all their stuff there. It is all vertical, easy to see, and face forward. I just wish that I could find things that easy. Earlier today, cleaning out my junk drawer I ended up throwing away a ton of things. Needed things, that I went to the store and rebought because I couldn't find them when I needed them. I hate that. It is just as good as a slap in the face, really. It is like my own personal FAIL blog. Right? I have found a remedy, my friend Lynn and I started something new....tell you more about it later in the post.
It even generates some of the same feelings as having my significant husband all of a sudden become interested in traveling cooking shows and then actually cooking the stuff that he sees only with game meat. It's kinda cool and kinda not. Oh, his dishes that he creates are delicious don't get me wrong.
Nevertheless, the ingredient usage is what is killing me softly. He shops for bell peppers, red peppers, zucchini of a certain size and firmness, celery, and onions of all types and not to mention, fresh, yes, I said it, fresh not frozen, brussel sprouts.
WTH! I'm not making the Sarah Palin WTF mistake like on Fox News...but really? ..............REally?
I have been marriedumpteen million 23 years to the same person that previously did nada in the kitchen, and now seems to take over the fresh food shopping, discussing sale prices, and the exotics of each supermarket in town. The above mentioned items of the vegetable category were all previously avoided at all cost because they caused a stomach ache or something like a plague to my husband. Even though these veges are good for you, flavor meals, enhance other meats, and are quite tasty, my number 1, most important person that I cook for, numero uno, would never be caught eating them. I know what it is like to slave over the stove and never get a comment, to have people pick out green peppers, and to never show any gratification except when the meal is over....."Do you mind if I make a pbj?"
Bell peppers are usually and as of last week and the past 23 years not allowable in potatoe salad, cole slawbecause mothers slaw wans't made that way, sloppy joes, meatloaf, grilled on burgers, picked off pizza, and do not even ever attempt to stuff them whole.... but that was
hit play on the console now
All my peppers seemed so far away....
now it looks as though there here to stay....
long as sam's cooking is here always!!!!!!
Sam cooked the most decadent stuffed red peppers tonight and we all ate them. They were really really super. He is going gourmet all the way. It is still just so strange to me. Anyway that is what is going on over here, at my house. I am also trying out the music thing on this post to see if it works.
Tomorrow, with conservation in mind, so that I don't have to go to the store continually repurchase items that I cannot find in my house, I am beginning the Flylady's 30 Day program to get my house in shape. I will be saving money and space. Tomorrow is day one. Notice that I said tomorrow and not today? I need a day to prepare.
Here is what I will be doing, I am taking the Beginner course. Baby steps.....
Pretty soon I will buy her mop.
I know exactly where Safeway keeps all their stuff there. It is all vertical, easy to see, and face forward. I just wish that I could find things that easy. Earlier today, cleaning out my junk drawer I ended up throwing away a ton of things. Needed things, that I went to the store and rebought because I couldn't find them when I needed them. I hate that. It is just as good as a slap in the face, really. It is like my own personal FAIL blog. Right? I have found a remedy, my friend Lynn and I started something new....tell you more about it later in the post.
It even generates some of the same feelings as having my significant husband all of a sudden become interested in traveling cooking shows and then actually cooking the stuff that he sees only with game meat. It's kinda cool and kinda not. Oh, his dishes that he creates are delicious don't get me wrong.
Nevertheless, the ingredient usage is what is killing me softly. He shops for bell peppers, red peppers, zucchini of a certain size and firmness, celery, and onions of all types and not to mention, fresh, yes, I said it, fresh not frozen, brussel sprouts.
WTH! I'm not making the Sarah Palin WTF mistake like on Fox News...but really? ..............REally?
I have been married
Bell peppers are usually and as of last week and the past 23 years not allowable in potatoe salad, cole slaw
hit play on the console now
All my peppers seemed so far away....
now it looks as though there here to stay....
long as sam's cooking is here always!!!!!!
Sam cooked the most decadent stuffed red peppers tonight and we all ate them. They were really really super. He is going gourmet all the way. It is still just so strange to me. Anyway that is what is going on over here, at my house. I am also trying out the music thing on this post to see if it works.
Tomorrow, with conservation in mind, so that I don't have to go to the store continually repurchase items that I cannot find in my house, I am beginning the Flylady's 30 Day program to get my house in shape. I will be saving money and space. Tomorrow is day one. Notice that I said tomorrow and not today? I need a day to prepare.
Here is what I will be doing, I am taking the Beginner course. Baby steps.....
Pretty soon I will buy her mop.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Saturday update on mother.
The Pathology report came back this morning showing cancer in a little bit more tissue. Therefore, Monday morning another surgery is planned. It is a small area so not as extensive as the first surgery. All looks well enough that mother will be out of the hospital hopefully by early next week.
Bonnie and dad are still with mother everyday. My older sister will be traveling in the next day or so to help out also.
Keep mother in your prayers and hope that she can mange the pain with the medicines that they give her and recover fully.
The Pathology report came back this morning showing cancer in a little bit more tissue. Therefore, Monday morning another surgery is planned. It is a small area so not as extensive as the first surgery. All looks well enough that mother will be out of the hospital hopefully by early next week.
Bonnie and dad are still with mother everyday. My older sister will be traveling in the next day or so to help out also.
Keep mother in your prayers and hope that she can mange the pain with the medicines that they give her and recover fully.
Friday, February 18, 2011
Update on Mom and These are Her Boots
Update and boots for bonnie!
Mom is doing well, she gets up for a few minutes each day to walk around. She ate real food this morning which is super after 5 days of no food. The pain doesn't let her rest much yet. Bonnie and/ or dad are with her all the time. It is not likely that she gets out to go home today.
The IV line was taken out today as well. She is taking strolls down the hall with help. We are all pleased with her progress especially the fact that she ate some meatloaf, yes meatloaf is the word, if the report is correct.
Also, I found the most awesome boots. When I saw them I immediately thought of Bonnie. All my kids always want to go home with Auntie Bonnie. She takes kids skating, the pool, the park well...they have a tonage of fun. Bonnie is always on the go having fun fun fun! I bet she has a shoe for every occasion but I bet she doesn't have these boots!!
Mom is doing well, she gets up for a few minutes each day to walk around. She ate real food this morning which is super after 5 days of no food. The pain doesn't let her rest much yet. Bonnie and/ or dad are with her all the time. It is not likely that she gets out to go home today.
The IV line was taken out today as well. She is taking strolls down the hall with help. We are all pleased with her progress especially the fact that she ate some meatloaf, yes meatloaf is the word, if the report is correct.
Also, I found the most awesome boots. When I saw them I immediately thought of Bonnie. All my kids always want to go home with Auntie Bonnie. She takes kids skating, the pool, the park well...they have a tonage of fun. Bonnie is always on the go having fun fun fun! I bet she has a shoe for every occasion but I bet she doesn't have these boots!!
Aren't these adorable and bonnilicious?? They are
purrrrect for my ultimate frisbee sis.
Here is another cool site to see more colors, I love boots!!
Verbier has the most awesome boots.
Thanks for being with mom and skyping with us!
We love you Bonnie!!
Love you too mom!!
Monday, February 14, 2011
The type of surgery that mom had today normally runs between 4-12 hours. We were all pleased that hers only lasted about an hour with not as much damage as previously thought. Mom is in the ICU and will hopefully get a private room in the hospital tomorrow. Hoping the best for recovery......
Thank you for all the prayers and love!
Thank you for all the prayers and love!
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Valentines for you nana!
This valentine is for you Nana! It is made by Daisy and she says that there is no other one like it in the world, just like you.
Here is Daisy, she made about 30 handmade valentines for all the friends in her class. On the back she wrote all kinds of things like "You're a HOOT!!" and "OWL be your friend" and stuff like that. Some of the owls have a hint of anime, if you know what that is.
Here are the 3 youngest kiddos at the table at a mandatory MAKE YOUR OWN VALENTINES annual meeting because I am not spending money on fake v-cards that are meaningless. REALLY, I won't buy them! I might go get a bouquet of red liquorice though, especially after the latest twizzler commercial.
Harrison was uber excited about gluing circles and hearts. With my help we made 6 OWL valentines for his preschool teachers and pasted hearts on top of hearts for all his preschool friends. We lost caps to 5 glue sticks and he didn't eat any glue so I am pretty pleased with myself.
This is Daisy's owl for Mrs. Kassel her 5th grade teacher. She was very impressed with the angry the eyebrows even though Mrs. Kassel is the nicest teacher EVER!
Isaiah even made some but refused to admit it and we cannot find any of them. By the way, I think that is the orange striped shirt that Nana got him last summer which he hasn't taken off ALL week. He has a level of confidence that cannot be reckoned with. He is sure what he wants to wear and for how long. He keeps the wood boiler going, the inside wood stove, the horses feed and watered even at -40 like it is right now. So my threats to bathe just aren't going anywhere unless I threaten not to feed him.
The pics are taken with my phone cam. You know, I used to take MUCH better pictures but with kid #5 it just doesn't matter anymore. I have bought 3 cameras recently. One for every year of Harrison's life and he killed them all. I am okay with mediocre photos.
This vOWLentine wins the CUTE award.
This vOWLentine wins the best smile.
Harrison made this one.
There was a big mess on the floor. Actually it was there before we started this project but I made the kids sweep the whole house and clean up all the bits of paper. (Wasn't that smart of me?)
These two are joined at the wing. Daisy is giving this one to Carena, her BFF since preschool. Now turn your head sideways and say aw...............................
Then look who shows up! Sister and boyfriend!! Again, aw................
suzannah and Dale made valentines too!
Happy vOWLentines Day to you!
Friday, February 11, 2011
this valentines day......... send some love
This is an informative post about the person in my life that I love the most in all the world, my mom.
I wanted to let you know what is happening.
Please keep my mother in prayer. Her cancer has come back after more than a year of being cancer free. Actually her blood tests still indicate no cancer. Last weeks biopsy has proven that in fact it is cancer.
She has not fully recovered fully from chemotherapy and radiation from last year. Monday, February 14, in the afternoon in OKC she is having surgery to remove all cancer and to remove some anatomy and have been ruined with the regrowth of the same tumor. She will also have reconstruction so that some muscle will be removed from her leg or abdomen to fill in.
Mom and Dad have full confidence in the OU surgeons and are ready for this. They are in good spirits. We are hoping the best. Please pray for her recovery, that all the cancer is found, and taken care of.
At this point it has not metastasized. I am only relaying what I have been informed so that you can be included in our prayer circle. Please do not bombard my dad will calls. I will update here what I know.
Feel free to message me on fb, skype, or text me if you have questions.
divas and volvos
How do you live with a 20 year old DIVA that has returned home? Expecially when you don't exactly relate to everything GAGA? You understand all the words but no matter what, communication just doesn't happen.... well especially not in the mornings. Why can't life just be nice and pleasant?
It's just like last Monday...when I tried to change the headlight bulb in my Volvo. Let me give you a glimpse of my is not the standard square topped Volvo. It is the absolute smallest Volvo EVER created in the history of Volvos (the mileage is great and should be since I am paying $4.09 a gallon!). This is my first car too, I have always driven big trucks,vans, buses and now semi trucks most of my life. This picture is exactly what mine looks like only try to imagine ice stuck to parts of it and snow. Also we had to remove the little headlight wipers because they just get frozen causing snow to stick to the headlights until it is compacted letting little light through. A great idea but doesn't really work.
First of all it was a
I also have to schedule this act around the high school late bell, an elementary school bus stop, preschool drop off and my daughter the DIVA'S new job. Everyone must be on time, that is my first job of every day. My son's truck is froze. I have to get up EXTRA early to drive him to school. Therefore on the way home I get 2 bulbs for about $30 bucks because you know...if one goes out, the other one will also go out within a week or so, or I could possibly break a bulb which is very likely. Having a spare it ALWAYS handy. I get home JUST in time to get the other 3 kids ready, then back outside to the car to fix the headlight before departure times.
It is 8am, at the crack of murkiness ( the sun never really rises here it just gets less dark until about noon and then continues to get dimmer until dark about 4pm). I unlatch the bonnet. In American terms that is the hood and another story all together how I found out about the bonnet. I find the headlight, pull off the silicone capping, release in the wire clamps all with only 3 inches or less room to move my now freezing fingers while my head is upside down, and my glasses slipping off my nose. How does this relate to a Diva? Well everything has very different labels than what you are used to, like coming from another country, everything is so tight, little room to move- stressful! I finally pull out the old bulb, I get the new one in, rotated just so and vwalah! The wire clamps snap into place all in about 4 minutes. However the light does not come on.....
Using the switch on the panel I try to switch on then off. Nothing. I look again and realize I HAVE CHANGED THE WRONG BULB! The one I changed was for the bright lamps. CRIMONY!, the regular bulb is a tighter squeeze next to the battery with even less space, a good 1.5 inches. Okay I didn't really measure but that is a good estimate. My fingers at this point are past cold now, with a little feeling lost, they are experiencing some shooting pains now.
Frustrated, I retrieve the extra bulb that I bought, then change my mind, and just reuse the one I just pulled out of the BRIGHTS. SO I get the silicon cover off. I try for the life of me to get the wire clamps go. Try again. ARGH! This gets really frusrating and I begin to think how I can blame this all on my husband. I get angry, this is stressful, no room to move. I decide this is something worth putting off and I will just have to get a ticket, so I slap the cover on with a stamp of my foot while trying not to curse when exactly at that same time the light blinks ON!
Well mornings are just like that around here with a DIVA, without going into too much detail (b.c I will only make her mad again at me).... I try and try and try and then finally I give up and attitudes change and things go nicely in the end.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
I cannot tell you how I feel, numb.............angry
that cat is purring and wants to be petted, I relent
believing what comes to my ears, but I wish it weren't so
how can you escape every test, how can you hide, lurk, exist
how can you fool us all
I hate you cancer
that cat is purring and wants to be petted, I relent
believing what comes to my ears, but I wish it weren't so
how can you escape every test, how can you hide, lurk, exist
how can you fool us all
I hate you cancer
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